I am an agent of positive change: So excited to share a new direction for my practice!

I am an agent of positive change: So excited to share a new direction for my practice!

I am committed to empowering progressive leaders in actively achieving health, well being, and balance so that they can lead others in making positive changes.

My vision includes:

1. Working with progressive leaders one-on-one on their health goals.

2. Starting small online groups at a price point that the average employee in a progressive company or organization can invest in to invest in their health.

3. Workshops and seminars in organizations and companies on wellness and health and self-care.

4. Continuing with a lot of great free content available to a wide audience.

I am so fired up about this! It feels so good to finally be sharing this with you all!

So if you or someone you know is a progressive leader in a company, non-profit, educational setting, think tank, start-up, or any other progressive organization and would be open to either having a quick phone conversation with me or answering a few questions via an anonymous questionnaire, please let me know. Or if you know about cool organizations—local, national or international—that are doing amazing things and you want me to know about them, please share! You don’t need to know anyone there—with the help of my awesome intern, I’m amassing a database of organizations and causes.

I feel so passionate about this new direction with my practice. Thank you for any of your support!

Causes I feel committed to include but are not limited to (and in no particular order):

  • Environmental (water, land, climate change, conservation, animals)
  • Women’s Rights (including reproductive rights, domestic violence, intersectional feminism)
  • Racial and Social Justice
  • LGBTQ+ rights and representation
  • Food (organic farming, food justice, food safety)
  • Health
  • Children
  • Education
  • Civil Liberties
  • Veterans/PTSD
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Crisis services
  • Inmate and ex-inmate support services
  • Progressive political organizations
  • Arts (dance, music, visual, drama)
  • Spiritual/religious

A little back story . . .

It’s the two year anniversary of the Woman’s March on Washington. For those of you who don’t know, I went to Washington, D.C. in January 2017 to show up for what I stand for, to make my body seen and my voice heard. I showed up because I have the privilege to be able to do so—a flexible work schedule, no kids or ailing parents to care for, and the financial ability, although not easy, to do so. I had to go.

The morning after the election I woke up with such heavy grief, and the depression stayed with me for days. I am not one prone to depression so this inability to work, to get dressed, to shower, to eat, to move was new to me. I functioned but it was like moving through a molasses of grief, bewilderment and fear.

And I could see it in my clients as well. In the weeks leading up to the election, the amount of stress-eating, over-drinking, and fear was often spoken about by my clients. I was trying to support them, helping them focus on self-care in the midst of it all, but I understood their challenges.

A few days after the election, I started to pull myself out and being the person that I am—full of fire, determination, and optimism—I started to take positive action.

I started small, creating a free online self-care Facebook group called “Self-Care is a Radical Act of Love” and instead of accepting payment, I asked participants, if they could afford it, to donate to their favorite charity. Part of my mission with the group was “we need to take care of ourselves so that we are able to take care of others and be positive agents of change.” I knew if I was struggling, others would be too and might benefit from the support.

(By the way, I’ve reopened the group so that it is live and going again! It’s free and you can join HERE!)

Right now I’m going to pause and answer the question that might be in some of your minds . . . Why am I talking about politics on my health coaching business website?

The truth for me is that this election and the shifts that have occurred the past two years go way beyond politics. This is not about red/blue or which side of the aisle one supports. This is about important values that I hold dear and that I am willing to stand up FOR. The election of 2017 made one thing very clear to me. I am an agent of positive change.

Now what was I going to do about it?

So flash forward to the present, January 2019. This is what I’m excited to share with you and where I need your help . . . See above!!!

QUICK UPDATE: February 2020!

The new program is here!!! I’m thrilled to share with you all:

“Whole Life Nourishment for Changemakers!”

Find out all of the information today by going to https://healthcoachmichelle.com/nutrition/whole-life-nourishment/