CGM Experience with Michelle Dwyer

CGM Experience with Michelle Dwyer

Ready to join the next 2-Week CGM Experience?

Are you ready for more energy and vitality?

Are you curious to see what is going when you have that afternoon crash or wake up in the middle of the night?

Do you want to know more about how sugar and processed carbs affect your body?

And do you want to get personalized insight about your body while also in a supportive, fun environment led by a health expert?


Then Welcome to the CGM 2-Week Experience! 

Next one starts January 12th, 2025 so reach out today! 


Did you know that a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) can be one the best ways to get personalized insight on how food is affecting YOUR body and blood sugar?

Blood sugar fluctuations can affect our energy, weight, hormones, sleep, mood and so much more!

A CGM is gently attached to your back arm for two weeks and allows you to see via an app the fluctuations to your blood sugar based on what and when and how much you are eating.


Why would I want to wear a CGM, Michelle?

Getting clarity about what is going on in real time with your blood sugar can help you support:

  • Balanced weight
  • Better energy
  • Sleep quality
  • Mental and emotional clarity
  • Stress and lifestyle management
  • Personalized food choices


This sounds great! What are all the details?


The Dates:

January 12-26, 2025


Three 60-minute Group Zoom calls (all will be recorded):

  • Kick-off Call: January 12 time 11:30 am PT
  • Mid-way Check-in Call: January 19 at 10 am PT
  • Celebrations and Next Steps Call:  January 26 at 10 am  PT


What you’ll receive:

  • Three 60-minute group zoom calls (before, during and after the “experience”) to help guide you on how to make the most of the two weeks.
  • Private group page/thread via WhatsApp to post ahas, insights, questions and receive support, encouragement, and guidance from me (I’m a Holistic Health Coach and Certified Nutrition Consultant) the whole two weeks
  • Michelle’s expertise, encouragement, accountability, support!
  • Community and camaraderie! It’s more fun to do together!


Investment: NOTE: There are TWO pieces

#1: The Sensor

Everyone: $135 for an Abbott Freestyle Libre 3

NOTE: You may be able to use your HSA/FSA for the CGM–please check with your provider for details.

***If you can get a prescription from your doctor, there is a way to get it for FREE as your first trial or for a discount. 

Ask your doctor for a prescription for the Abbott Freestyle Libre 3 and that you will be paying CASH (not asking for it to be covered by insurance). I’ll walk you through the free trial part. 

There are also some over-the-counter options if you want to use these, but the kind we’ll be talking about as a group is the Freestyle Libre 3. 


#2: For the group experience with Michelle as the guide 

$200 Regular rate for the two-week experience together

$100 off if you are a returner (email me for the coupon code!)


Special bonus for new clients only: If you decide you’d like to work with me 1:1 when the CGM Experience is over, you can apply the $300 you invested towards my services!



What previous clients have shared are the benefits of wearing a CGM:

“In the Spring of 2024,  I received a surprise diagnosis of prediabetes.  This was a surprise because I eat healthily, exercise regularly, do weight training, am not overweight, sleep well, and don’t drink or smoke.  I agreed to participate in a CGM trial group that was coached by Michelle Dwyer.  After observing the results of my CGM, following the shared wisdom of the CGM trial group, and reading other glucose-management resources recommended to me by Michelle, I was able to improve my blood sugar results such that I am no longer considered a pre-diabetic.   I highly recommend working with Michelle and a CGM – you will gain practical advice that will make a very healthful difference in your life.”

I sometimes have a strong urge for a carb or sweet in the late afternoon and was able to see that it often correlated with a drop in blood sugar. Knowing that helped me pick a protein/fiber snack instead of a carb/sweet. It also helped me correlate my frequent afternoon emotional slumps (feeling overwhelmed, sad, distracted, wanting to give up on productivity for the day) with a drop in blood sugar. There is power in knowing that the emotional piece is caused by something physiological.


“My CGM did so much to raise my awareness of how food impacts my body, and it has helped me make wiser decisions about what I eat.”


“After consistently wearing a CGM for a couple months and making changes to my eating patterns, I’ve lost the ‘stubborn’ ten pounds in my belly, my energy feels great, and I know I’m making positive changes for my long-term health.”


“I realized that not only what I ate but how much and at what time really affected my blood sugar. I’m not sure I realized the impact before seeing it in the app and now I feel motivated to make shifts that have me feeling more sustained energy and sleeping better than before.”



Who is this NOT for:

X No one pregnant.

X No one under 18.

X No one with diagnosed Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. (Okay if you have been diagnosed with “prediabetes.”)

X No one with active cancer, liver disease, kidney disease or other major illness.

X No one in a current place of an eating disorder.

Please consult with your doctor if you have any questions on whether a CGM is right for you.




Will it hurt?

No, there is some slight pressure applying the device and maybe a little soreness after but it is mild to nothing.


Can I invite a friend or family member?

Yes, please do! It really is more fun to do with a buddy or partner. 


What do I need to participate?

You will need to purchase a CGM out of pocket (insurance only covers it if you have diabetes) and you will need to download the free app that comes with a CGM. I will provide a link for an easy place to get a CGM but you are welcome to get it elsewhere. Note: I receive NO MONEY from you ordering a CGM.



If you’re interested in joining the next round, you have three options:


1. EMAIL me at [email protected] and I’ll send you all the details to join!



2. Sign up today to be on the WAITLIST:


3. Ready to go! Enroll today:

Twelve Ways of SLOWING DOWN this Holiday Season

Twelve Ways of SLOWING DOWN this Holiday Season

Updated December 2023:

Do you ever get messages from multiple sources and they are all telling you the same thing? Well, I have and the message is SLOW DOWN and be in the flow!

I love the holiday season . . . the lights, the songs, the gatherings with friends and family, the holiday cheer! It’s a truly beautiful and magical time of year.

However, it can also be very challenging for many people. We can often feel overwhelmed, rushed, tired, and stretched too thin. And certainly, celebrating in 2023–the state of world affairs–comes with its own sets of challenges.

This time of year, we are meant to slow down, go within more, start hibernating a bit. In Feng Shui, we will soon be moving into the Water element which is all about stillness, quiet, self-care, contemplation, and rejuvenation.

And yet society asks us to DO MORE this holiday season. More parties, more obligations, more presents, more cards, more eating, more drinking, more “things” on the to-do list. No wonder so many people get sick once the holidays are over. Their bodies are exhausted by all the pushing and over-doing! (And always, we REALLY want to support our immune health!)

Instead, what if we focus more on doing less, taking items off our to-do list, creating more opportunities for self-care, being present with our loved ones, and maybe even saying NO to anything that does not truly lift our spirits.

I know I need my own reminders to slow down and so I got inspired to do my “Twelve Ways of SLOWING DOWN this Holiday Season.” I hope they inspire you! 

May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter, and peace.

In health and gratitude, Michelle Dwyer

On the 1st day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . a minute break to do nothing!

I know slowing down can be challenging, especially during this time of year. So I thought we’d start small: let’s take a ONE-MINUTE vacation right now! 

Today, for *just one minute* practice taking a break. You can look at something beautiful, close your eyes and just breathe, or do nothing.

On the 2nd day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . a moment to fill up your own cup first so that you can give from the overflow!

It may be helpful to take a moment to scan and see how full is your cup right now. If it’s feeling a little empty and depleted, see if there are some small ways to nourish yourself and fill it back up. Could be a chat with a friend, a walk around the block, a delicious and nourishing meal.

And remember, self-care is not selfish. If you are not taking care of yourself, then it is hard to show up in all the ways you want to as a person, whether that’s at work, with your family, or for your community.

Want to take this on deeper level? Consider joining my next Whole Life Nourishment group starting in the new year!

On the 3rd day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . the encouragement to schedule ONE treat for yourself some time in the next few weeks.

Could be an acupuncture appointment, a massage, a pedicure, a hike with a friend, a restorative yoga class, or some time at an (outdoor) cafe to just read a book. You don’t have to necessarily schedule this for now (although you could!) but take a moment to get something on your calendar. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

On the 4th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . do some stretches or a little yoga! 

Doing the “legs up the wall” pose or Viparita karani is one of my favorite suggestions for lowering our cortisol (stress hormone) levels and resetting any time of day! Take just 2 minutes to do this pose and I promise you’ll feel better. Child’s pose is another pose and relaxing to do. Not into yoga? How about a few stretches while on a quick break from work or while you’re waiting in line? Doing a few yoga poses or stretches are great for a little mid-day break, as a way to unwind when you get home from work (or holiday errands), or right before bed.

On the 5th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . the idea of giving presence instead of presents.

A recent study “suggests that small acts of kindness, not grand overtures, make people feel most loved and supported.”

Check out this great article to help bring some perspective this holiday season about gift-giving. It’s a great breakdown of how many people experience more stress during the holiday season and how the antidote is slowing down, connecting with people more, and taking good care of yourself.

What is your favorite way to connect with people during the holidays?

On the 6th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . a moment to contemplate the beauty of nature!

Connecting with nature is a beautiful way to slow down and be more present. And it can be free and easy! This can be as simple as noticing the sunrise or sunset, a bird in a tree, the way the light comes in your kitchen in the afternoon. I’ve personally been watching the hummingbirds outside my work desk window! 

What sights of nature have you noticed lately and how did you feel?

On the 7th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . new and old traditions!

One of the things that can make the holidays so special are the traditions that are passed down. Whether it’s lighting the candles, singing songs, decorating the house, or making special foods, most of us can think fondly of new or old family traditions.

That said, certain traditions, when they start to feel like a “should” rather than a true heart’s desire can take some of the magic out of the tradition and make it feel more like a chore or creates stress instead of joy.

So I encourage you this holiday season to check in on your traditions . . . what makes you feel joyful? What’s fun and easy? What feels truly special? And what maybe just doesn’t anymore? Maybe it’s time to release a tradition that is no longer serving you or anyone else.

Or maybe it’s time to make a NEW tradition, one that creates more moments of calm and presence and joy and ease!

I would love to hear what traditions you cherish and maybe which ones you have let go of.

On the 8th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . the gift of reading a good book!

Reading a really great book is personally one of my favorite ways to slow down and get some time for myself.

Many of you may not know, but before becoming a holistic nutritionist I was an English teacher and have MA in literature. I love love love books!

I usually read fiction over non-fiction but I do love a well-written memoir or biography. Women’s lit, multicultural American lit, African-American lit, Sci-fi and dystopian lit, spiritual books, modern lit, chick lit—I love it all! I love when I can fall into a book, and I love when I am so into a book that I can’t wait to get back to it.

Do you love to read? Do you find it relaxing? What is one of your favorite books?

On the 9th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . a great online program about how to LIVE IN THE FLOW and create more happiness, wealth, health and love in your life!

As I was thinking about different tips and strategies for slowing down this holiday season, I realized this is something my colleague Jill Lebeau and I have already put together in our uplifting and energizing online program called Live in the Flow: Manifest Happiness, Wealth, Health & Love!

On the 10th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . 50 ways to take a break!

Really. Go take a break. You’ll be glad you did! What’s your favorite way to take a break? I love these ideas because they can be really simple. 

What’s your favorite way to take a quick break, even in the “busy” holiday season?

On the 11th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . a simple, nourishing meal.

I know with the rush of holidays and the onslaught of sugar everywhere, it can feel challenging to take the time to slow down and eat a nourishing meal. But trust me, your body will thank you for it!

One of my favorites is this Tuscan Bean Soup with Kale. I usually use poultry seasoning instead of the individual spices and it turns out great.

This recipe is vegan (minus the parmesan cheese) but you can also add grilled chicken or use bone broth if desired.

On the 12th day of SLOWING DOWN, my true love of self gave to me . . . wishes for a wonderful Winter Solstice!

Usually around December 21 is the first day of winter and from this point forward, each day we will have more light. Although many traditional celebrations this time of year focus on the importance of bringing the light into the darkness, I think it’s important to also honor what darkness brings as well: rest, rejuvenation, magic, mystery, and dreams.

And just like the new year celebrations, the Winter Solstice is also a time to focus on all the good things to come in the new year. I wish you and your loved ones all the love, joy, and peace of the holiday season!

Thank you for joining me for the Twelve Ways of Slowing Down and enjoying the holiday season! I hope you received a helpful reminder or inspiration along the way.

WHOLE LIFE NOURISHMENT for greater vitality and optimal health in a supportive, holistic community!

WHOLE LIFE NOURISHMENT for greater vitality and optimal health in a supportive, holistic community!

NOW is the time to practice radical self-care

and community-care.

Because, as you know, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

And we do better together.

What if you could remove BURNOUT, OVERWHELM, and FATIGUE from your day?


What if you could change the world AND take good care of your health and well-being?



Connect with me today for a Clarity Call

for the February-May 2025 cohort!

Want to know more?

Watch this Welcome video to learn all about Whole Life Nourishment!

Note: dates are different, but the information is otherwise the same!

This four-month online coaching program is specifically designed for changemakers to support you in optimizing your health and well-being—mind, body and spirit!

Imagine this . . .

Moving through your day with CLARITY and CONFIDENCE of your food plan because you are all prepped and ready to go with nutritious, delicious food that works for you and your body.

Waking up with plenty of ENERGY and MOTIVATION to not only get your work done with ease and focus, but you also have enough left in your tank at the end of the day to do the other things that bring you JOY.

Connecting with an AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY that not only SUPPORTS your health challenges and goals, but also INSPIRES you!

I know these are EXTREMELY challenging times and I know you are all feeling overwhelmed most days with burnout looming . . .

AND here’s the deal . . . . even in the midst of such uncertainty, you can take small steps on a daily basis

to better support your health and well-being so that you can show up with energy, focus and vitality for your

mission, yourself, your team, your relationships, and our planet!

Join me! Let’s do this together!

The WHOLE LIFE NOURISHMENT program has eight key pillars:

* Establish more clarity and confidence around your FOOD/NUTRITION choices and routines so that you can feel more energized, balanced, and nourished all day long and continue to support your immune system.

* Practice effective strategies to support better quality SLEEP/REST because sleep is essential to having vital health, more energy, less cravings, and more resilience in handling the big changes you are facing.

* Prioritize more daily MOVEMENT into your routine so that you can be more present in your body, relieve stress, support immune health, and feel stronger.

* Create the healthy SCHEDULE/HABITS/ROUTINES that allow you to move through your day with greater ease, energy, and focus. These times have highlighted the importance of routines more than ever!

* Cultivate ways to have moments of meaningful CONNECTION TO SELF in the form of self-care practices, self-love mindset, expressions of creativity, and opportunities for pleasure and joy, even in the midst of the unknown.

* Focus on your MINDSET and create more mindfulness practices and cultivate rest. This is key to being present each day, even when there is a lack of clarity in the larger world. This time in our history is asking us to slow down while also continuing to be focused and effective in our work, our relationships, and our communities.

* Continue to build meaningful CONNECTION TO OTHERS (your community, family, personal and professional relationships, social justice movements, our planet) from a place of authenticity, giving from the overflow, and healthy boundaries. This group is also an opportunity to make meaningful connections with people who get what you’re going through.

* Continue to develop and nurture your sense of PURPOSE/MISSION because I know you came into this world at this time to make the largest positive impact! If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that we need to be healthy and strong to really show up for ourselves, our students, and our community. Let’s do this together!

What you receive when you join Whole Life Nourishment:


    • Small-group coaching calls twice a month (Sundays 4:00-4:30 pm PT): total of NINE 90-minute calls plus a BONUS call via Zoom to build community, support, accountability, and clear guidance to meet your health and wellness goals. We do better when we’re connected together and can support each other! Groups will be limited to 8-12 people so we can create meaningful connections and community.

    • Specific coaching and support on my signature WHOLE LIFE NOURISHMENT program where we’ll focus on all areas of your life–nutrition, sleep, movement, connection, etc.–to holistically support your wellness. Let’s do this in manageable, achievable, small steps!

    • Private group “classroom” (not on Facebook) to easily stay in contact with each other in between calls to ask questions, receive ongoing support, share wins, and stay connected.

    • Accountability partners to help you stay on track with peers who can celebrate your wins and understand your challenges.

    • The convenience of an online group so that you can be in the safety of your home but we can be connected from anywhere in the country!


For FOUR months of Whole Life Nourishment support, your investment is $1199.

Payment plans available upon request. Venmo, PayPal, or a personalized invoice are also options–just contact me! Note: consider using your HSA to enroll. I am committed to making this group program affordable and accessible, so if you are in financial need, I offer sliding scale options. Please reach out.

If you want to learn how to optimize your health and well-being so that you can continue to be an energized, healthy changemaker even in the midst of so much change, aggravation and uncertainty then . . .

Questions? Then let’s set up a 15-Minute Clarity Call and make sure this program is the right fit for you!

Or just email me at [email protected]

Questions? Let’s talk. Book a Clarity Call online today!

Here are some of the benefits of joining today . . .

* More energy, better quality sleep, and practical ways to nourish yourself with food (even in the midst of such challenging times)!

*Greater ease in creating healthy habits that support your well-being on a daily basis. Small steps lead to great shifts!

*Practical tips and suggestions that you can apply immediately. Let’s stop waiting for “when” or “if” and take action today!

*Personalized guidance in how to make small changes that yield big results. Every body is different and I’m here to support you through a model that works for your unique body, lifestyle, and situation.

*Opportunities to set practical goals/action steps that you can actually achieve to keep you on track with your health and well-being (so you can keep being an amazing changemaker!).

*Ongoing accountability, encouragement, and connection so that you can really show up as your best. This is key! We can’t do it alone! We need connection and community more now than ever!

*The support and wisdom of your fellow group members who know exactly what you’re going through!

For those of you new to me, my name is Michelle Dwyer and I am a Holistic Health Coach and Certified Nutrition Consultant. I have a Master of Science degree in Health and Nutrition Education and I’m Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.

I am also committed to various social justice issues and see myself as an agent of positive change. I am excited to serve my fellow changemakers in your health and well-being so that YOU can show up in all the ways our world needs you . . . whether that’s at a grassroots level or more global. For more information about my larger vision and the causes I support, please go to my blog post here.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

In health,

Michelle Dwyer, Transformation Coach, Holistic Health Coach and Certified Nutrition Consultant, MS in Health and Nutrition Education, Former Educator, Agent of Positive Change

Nutrition and Food in Perimenopause and Menopause

Nutrition and Food in Perimenopause and Menopause

Nutrition and Food in Perimenopause and Menopause


October is Menopause Awareness Month and I am on a mission to share helpful information on perimenopause and menopause so that you can be empowered through this transition.

I know it can be frustrating figuring out what to eat as our body starts shifting hormonally. Although what works for each person varies, there are some basic guidelines that can be a helpful place to start!


The basics:

Focus on nutrient-dense REAL foods! Lots of non-starchy vegetables (think eating a RAINBOW!), some whole grains or beans/legumes or fruits, the right amount of lean proteins, and healthy fats.


Protein Power

Prioritize lean protein sources at every meal/snack like poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, and tofu.

Protein supports muscle maintenance and helps manage appetite, crucial for weight loss.


Fiber for Satiety, Digestive Health and Hormonal Balance

Increase fiber intake through vegetables, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and fruits.

Fiber promotes satiety, aiding in appetite control and digestive health.


Mindful Eating

Eat slowly, savor each bite, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.

Create a beautiful, inviting space when you eat.

Sounds silly but put your fork down in between bites and really chew your food (I’m still working on this one!)


Healthy Fats for Hormonal Health

Incorporate sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

These fats are essential for hormone production and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Include sources of omega-3 fatty acids like fatty fish (wild-caught salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, and walnuts.


Limit Sugar and Processed Foods

Minimize added sugars and processed foods, which can disrupt blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain.

Regulating your blood sugar is probably one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things you can do to support healthy weight in perimenopause and menopause


Meal Planning and Portions

Plan balanced meals so that it is EASY and enjoyable to eat well

Aim for about half or more of your plate as vegetables, palm-size of protein, small amount of starches and 1-2 T. of healthy fats per meal


Individualized Approach

As always, each body is different so it’s important to listen to what YOUR body is telling you!

Need more guidance?: Book a complimentary Discovery Session today to see if working together will help you with your health and wellness goals!


Ready to learn more? Book a Discovery Session today!

I’m also available to give talks, webinars and discussion groups on perimenopause and menopause! 

Riding the Perimenopausal Wave with More Energy, Balance and Clarity!

Riding the Perimenopausal Wave with More Energy, Balance and Clarity!

Does this sound like you . . . 

Unexplainable weight gain, especially in the belly?

Fatigue and brain fog?

Poor sleep?

Mood swings?

Hot flashes?

And did you know you can still be getting a period AND be in perimenopause?

And what exactly is perimenopause anyway?



Join me, Michelle Dwyer, Holistic Health Coach and Certified Nutrition Consultant for this recorded, proactive workshop where we will focus on doable steps to better support your body through perimenopause.

We’ll focus on food, strategic supplementation, and lifestyle choices that best address your body to help bring more energy, balance and clarity back into your life.

I am trained as a Hormone Cure Coach with Dr. Sara Gottfried and I’ll bring my ten years of experience working with clients to guide you to best support your health and well-being.

And at the age of 48, I get it because I’m riding this wave with you!

I hear it all the time, the frustration that people feel when they know they are going through some hormonal changes but they are not getting any helpful answers. I’m also done with us feeling alone in these changes. Let’s come together, open the conversation, and begin to take doable steps today to support you feeling better! It’s time for a perio-party!

What you’ll receive:

  • Hormone Questionnaire to help you prioritize where to start to best support your body.
  • Actionable, doable steps that you can implement right away.
  • Better understanding of your own body since we all experience perimenopause differently.

This webinar is a self-paced two-hour webinar that you can watch again and again!

And because I’m committed to spreading the word about a better, more empowered way to RIDE THE PERIMENOPAUSAL WAVE, I’ve made this program only $30!

New Recipe for Fall: Fig and Nut Chocolate Muffins

New Recipe for Fall: Fig and Nut Chocolate Muffins

Fall means FIGS!

Do you or your neighbor have a fig tree that keeps giving and giving beautiful fruit?

How lucky!!

And even if you LOVE figs, you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by what to do with so much beautiful fruit.

Well these dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free muffins might be JUST the thing you’re looking for.

And by the way, I’m terrible at baking and even I can do these!

Fig and Nut Chocolate Muffins Recipe


  • 2 cups walnuts or pecans or combo, soaked and wet
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 cup avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee
  • 1 cup figs (scoop out inside flesh—can include skins if soft)
  • 1/4 cup tahini or nut butter of your choice
  • 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • 1/4 cup gluten-free flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 cup figs, chopped into small pieces
  • 1/2 cup walnuts and/or pecans, chopped


  1. Soak 2 cups of walnuts/pecans in a bowl of water for 1 to 2 hours before making muffins. Rinse walnuts and then add to blender and follow the directions below. 
  2. Preheat the oven to 325 F.
  3. Grease muffin cups or tins.
  4. Place the first 6 ingredients into a high-powered blender or food processor: soaked nuts, eggs, oil, figs, tahini or nut butter, and vanilla extract.
  5. Puree until smooth but do not over blend.
  6. In a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients—cocoa, gluten-free flour, baking soda, and sea salt. Mix well with a fork.
  7. Add wet ingredients from the blender as well as additional figs and walnut/pecan pieces to the dry ingredients. Mix together until all incorporated, but do not over-stir.
  8. Dollop batter into muffin tins (about ¼ cup depending on muffin tins).
  9. Bake the muffins until they are puffed and golden brown, about 25 to 30 minutes for larger muffins and 20 minutes for smaller ones. Insert a knife into the center of one to see if the inside is dry, no wet batter remaining.

Serve the muffins warm or allow them to cool first. They also freeze well.

Let me know what you think!